Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Initial Post

Yet another Blog is born. I've always liked doing journals and such, so I guess this is the next logical step. What will this blog be ? A perspective on just about anything on life from a regular guy - me. I've been in Law Enforcement for 21 years. I'm currently a sergeant, which is about as high up the food chain as I intend to go. I work nights - which is also by choice. More on that later. I work in a large second ring suburb to the west of Minneapolis - I'm not going to identify it for a couple of reasons that are directly related: 1) Our internal policy on this has been in an uproar since a partner of mine started a website and had the audacity to say where he worked, I don't need the aggravation. 2) I'm not exactly the fair-haired boy at work, so why borrow trouble. If this is really bugging you, Google my name and you'll be able to figure it out yourself. Suffice it to say that my opinions here are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of anyone or anything else.

I can tell you that I am the National Trustee for the Fraternal Order of Police in Minnesotaa. This is a great organization that does a lot of good for cops and society in general.

A couple of the blogs that I really like and have inspired me are James Lileks and Powerline. I can only aspire to even come close to getting into the same ballpark.

Anyway, more posts to come


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