Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Minnesota Cop Killed in Iraq

A lot of cops are also military reserves or members of the National Guard. I saw a big drop in this in the early to mid 90's, but now it seems to be a growing trend. David Day was a new cop in St. Louis Park. He was called up and went to Iraq. He was killed when he was trying to help some fellow soldiers whose humvee had been hit.

Some on the left are sure to start beating the drums about how this is yet another example of why we shouldn't be in Iraq. One of my favorite talk show hosts is Dennis Prager, because of his calm, reasoned approach to conservatism. Dennis always treats everyone with respect - even if they hardly deserve it. I agree with Dennis that this struggle against islamo -fascism is perhaps an even more important struggle than the second world war. And yes folks - the Iraqi war IS part of that struggle. Would you rather fight them in the streets of Baghdad or the streets of New York?

David Day knew that it was better to fight them over there - where it was he and his comrades on the line - without the additional burden of having to worry about his friends, family and home. That's a concept that a lot of people on the left clearly have a hard time grasping, but is clearly understood by anyone serving in uniform, cop or military.

My heart goes out to the Day family - I thank them for their sacrifice. I am proud to say that David was a brother officer.

Deepest respect and sympathies for the family of the other two fallen soldiers - Jason Timmerman and Jesse Lhotka. All are heros.


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