Wednesday, March 09, 2005

More Red Star Follies

I had to laugh. Ray Ploetz of Maple Grove had a great letter to the editor in our favorite communist rag. Here it is:
Steve Sack's March 7 editorial cartoon was very thoughtful and thought-provoking. My own meditation took me back to my 1993 visit to the WWII, D-Day American cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France.
There is a memorial to 1,557 missing and presumed dead. There also are 9,386 headstones marking graves of those killed in action. With the benefit of 60-year hindsight, we all know the world is a better place thanks to those 10,943 and the thousands of other heroes who sacrificed to defeat fascism.
Similarly, I believe 60 years from now we will know the world became a better place because of the 1,500-plus heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice and the thousands of other heroes who are presently making sacrifices in the war to defeat fanaticism and despotism in the Middle East.
Ray Ploetz, Maple Grove.

The cartoon that he was reponding to is published in the entry above. Sorry for the small print. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool how the Newspaper of the Communist World was trying to pass out their usual anti - war tripe, and Mr. Ploetz turned the tables on them. Touche' Ray!


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