Tuesday, January 03, 2006

God Save the Queen

My blog regarding the assinine comments of one of the Queen's loyal subjects compels me to remember one time that I was very proud of our British friends. In 1982 Argentina decided that it wanted the Falkland Islands. This is a series of Islands in the South Atlantic, not too far off of the coast of South America.

Argentina - besides being a Nazi - hiding banana republic, showed in this smooth move that they were not too bright, either. After Argentina took the islands, the British saddled up and sailed south. After 7 weeks, they kicked all of the Argintine asses into the Atlantic.

I remember listening to my short wave radio in the dead of night back in 1982. It was before the BBC was carried on MPR, thus this is where I got my taste for the venerable World Service. It was sometime after midnight on 4/25/82 at the top of the hour - through the up and down modulation from short wave I heard this: (Chimes of Big Ben) - This is London....The Chimes of Big Ben mark the top of the hour...BBC World Service....The following message was read from the Prime Minister: "The commander of the (Falklands) operation has sent the following message: ' Be Pleased to inform Her Majesty that the White Ensign flies along the Union Jack in South Georgia. God save the Queen'". It felt like 1942 instead of 1982.


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