Monday, November 26, 2007

Support our Troops

During the Second World War, my mother told me that every person in the United States knew of someone or was somehow involved with someone who had actually fought overseas. I'm beginning to see that now - everyone has a friend or relative that is or has been in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Last Friday evening, I went to a homecoming party for Steve Tomasko. Steve is a Reserve Officer with my department, who joined the National Guard and was deployed in Iraq for 15 months. It was great to have him home. Steve is a young guy, but I have seen a great deal of growing up with him. He is planning on going into Law Enforcement.

A few years ago, One of my officers - Corby Kohler - wanted to talk to me. Corby was in the also in the National Guard, and was quickly becoming one of thier premiere helicopter jocks. He had just gotten back from Blackhawk school. He came to me with a troubled soul. He told me that the Army had offered him a very lucrative full time position. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave - he really enjoyed being a cop. We went over a lot of stuff. He eventually took the position. Captain Kohler is currently in Iraq.

While listening to the radio, I listened to a story about an organization called Operation Minnesota Nice. Thier mission is to give names of deployed soldiers to people so that the soldier could get a package, letter or email once in awhile. I signed up and drew the name of a soldier in Iraq - whose name I won't give because I haven't cleared it with him yet. I have sent a couple of packages and had a lot of email exchanges with him. To say that this young man is one of the most clear thinking people that I have ever known is an understatement. We are truly blessed to have such outstanding people willing to keep our asses out of the sling.

The aforementioned soldier told me that he knows of fellow soldiers that have been spat upon when they wore thier uniform at home. Honest to God, if ANY asshole did that in front of me, he would be eating soft foods until next Easter. I don't give a crap about what you think about the war, but you had damn well better be grateful to these young people that are willing to do what they do.


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