Tuesday, January 03, 2006

God Save the Queen

My blog regarding the assinine comments of one of the Queen's loyal subjects compels me to remember one time that I was very proud of our British friends. In 1982 Argentina decided that it wanted the Falkland Islands. This is a series of Islands in the South Atlantic, not too far off of the coast of South America.

Argentina - besides being a Nazi - hiding banana republic, showed in this smooth move that they were not too bright, either. After Argentina took the islands, the British saddled up and sailed south. After 7 weeks, they kicked all of the Argintine asses into the Atlantic.

I remember listening to my short wave radio in the dead of night back in 1982. It was before the BBC was carried on MPR, thus this is where I got my taste for the venerable World Service. It was sometime after midnight on 4/25/82 at the top of the hour - through the up and down modulation from short wave I heard this: (Chimes of Big Ben) - This is London....The Chimes of Big Ben mark the top of the hour...BBC World Service....The following message was read from the Prime Minister: "The commander of the (Falklands) operation has sent the following message: ' Be Pleased to inform Her Majesty that the White Ensign flies along the Union Jack in South Georgia. God save the Queen'". It felt like 1942 instead of 1982.

Monday, January 02, 2006

More Cat Stuff

My favorite picture of my favorite cat.

Europeans - arrgghh!

Let me start this out by saying that I know that our British cousins - like us - have as many opinions as there are people. By and large, the UK has been our only real friend in this world since the 20's. That being said, I just heard something yesterday that made my blood boil.

At night I sometimes like to listen to the BBC World Service on MPR. The BBC is usually very objective - much more than their US counter - parts. They did have a commentary show on the other day, where one particular Briton said some outright assinine things. Again, I don't pin this on the BBC - or to all Britons by any means. My vitrol is directed at him. Indeed, that BBC show did exactly what it was designed to do - stir up controversy.

I wish I could remember his name, or where I could find the piece - I scoured the BBC website with little success.

His basic jist was that he was glad to be going back to Europe after visiting the US. He went on to say that the US, while being a great country (Heavily qualified by this guy) had lost it's soul and just didn't have those high and mighty European values.

He went on to say tht our society was highly competitive, and there was a huge gap between the winners (haves) and the losers (have nots). That we have turned our backs on the less fortunate and economically challenged (usually minorities), and that we had made little progress in our development of society from our post civil war days. He was so glad to be going back to Europe - where he could bask in the glow of the milk of human kindness.

WEELLLL - here's what I have to say:

Don't let the screen door hit you in the arse, Manfred. Yes, we are a competitive society - work hard, and you'll get what you deserve. Be a parasite or knucklehead (like the throngs in New Orleans that bitched about how the government wasn't helping them enough) and yes, your life may be on the crappy side. Unlike your eutopian Europe - where some poor bastard works his ass off and ends up giving half of his income to the government to help some sorry malcontent that has no interest in making an honest living.

Am I being cold? NO - obviously, there are good people out there that simply and honestly can't take care of themselves - and we need a safety net for them. HOWEVER, it's been my experience (being in the social services field) that most people on government assistance are scammers. And, Manfred here seems to imply that we spend nothing on public assistance. Where the hell has he been?

I have a clue for you, Manfred - it's this heartless, competition based country that bailed Europes collective ass out of not one but two world wars. I give credit to Winston Churchill and the Brits of the 1940's that held down the fort until we could get into the war, but even British veterans from that era will tell you that - if the U.S. had not entered the war when we did, the UK would either be : a) five feet under the North Atlantic, or b) a theme park for Hitler Youth.

Indeed, a lot of social observers, like Dennis Prager, predict that Europe will either be at war or completely Islamic by the next couple of generations. Why? because guys like Manfred are kinder and gentler, don't call things for what they are, and give most of (usually someone else's) peoples fortunes to the poor oppressed and downtrodden. And you know what? We'll be strapping on the gunbelts and heading across the Atlantic to bail Europe's ass out yet a third time. And what really frosts my ass, Manfred, is that it's going to be my kids that we'll probably have to deal with it. Still, I believe that it's the right thing to do, and - if I still have this mortal coil, I'll do whatever I can to support the war effort.

Indeed, Colin Powell had an eloquent reply to the Archbishop of Canterbury who called the United States on our tough guy image. Powell put the pompous ass in his place.

All of this being said - I don't hold Britain as a whole, or even the BBC, responsible for this kind of attitude. Manfred, on the otherhand, can go straight to Hell.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Resolution

OK, OK - it's been 8 months since I've posted anything. Life happens when you make other plans. It's going to be different this year, by God - I will be adding more wit and wisdom (?!) here on a regular basis.

A few things have happened over the past 8 months. My wife and I bought a place up north. It's not on a lake, but it's close (walking distance) to about 5 lakes. It's a fairly nice year - round house on 2 1/2 acres - and I'm really looking forward to next spring.

Cassie went to UMD - and she's thriving. Tony went to Wayzata High, and he's getting straight A's .

Anyway - my next posts will be full of pictures and links - I just wanted to throw something up (poor choice of words) because of the lack of activity.

Happy New Year, everyone!