Monday, November 26, 2007

Deadburb - Where Beaver Cleaver meets The Stand (a re-run)

(This is an entry from a couple of years ago, but since : a) I thought that it was pretty good, and b) It's the only entry to generate 2 comments from outside people, I though that I would run it again.)

More stuff from Lileks. Actually, a pretty sad commentary. Richfield seems to have it's share of this type of thing. I remember when an 8 square block neighborhood was bought out for runway expansion at 28th Ave. and 66th St. - I think that it was around 1995. I used to drive through that neighborhood when I worked at Page Airways in the late 70's, making runs to Beek's Pizza. I drove through it about three nights before the bulldozers went gave me the heeby jeebies.


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